North American Coverage - Talking Platforms
Peace Of Mind
Talking Platforms built a High Availability network to ensure our system is reliable, responsive, and secure. Our main data centers are located in the United States. All hardware, software, and infrastructure are duplicated and mirrored in real time to provide you and your customers with 99.999% uptime. Our network is SIP optimized and DDoS protected with Cloudfare for the fastest route and protection up to 200 Tbps.
Technical Perfection
Our network is SIP optimized and protected utilizing the power of Cloudflare. With up to 200 Tbps of DDoS protection and lightning-fast Internet routing due to Cloudflares SIP optimized network ingress points. We only utilize leading networking manufacturers and top-tier data/voice carriers.
Our products and services can work anywhere in the world. Call us or Email for details.